Fun with Fall KOB

Wow, our fall season visiting Kids On the Block after school program flew by! It was so much fun learning more about oral health this session and teaching the kids the importance of protecting their mouths because it has so many important jobs.

Some highlights from the lesson were:

  1. You want to choose foods that build and strengthen your teeth. You want to eat food high in calcium and vitamin D. These come in foods such as milk, cheese yogurt, tortillas and green vegetables.

  2. Limit foods that are sugary or sticky! Eating too much of these kinds of foods will lead to tooth decay.

  3. Practices such as brushing your teeth, flossing and using mouthwash are great ways to keep your mouth healthy. Brush and floss every day!

When we visit Kids On the Block we lead three short activities: Nutrition education, an interactive partner game, and an active group game that reinforces the topic through exercise. This fall, our Linfield nutrition student leaders presented a recipe game where they built recipes for healthy mouths, and an obstacle course with questions about calcium, tooth enamel, and more at each level of the course. Kids voted on their favorite part: The overall consensus was that the obstacle course was the best part. The kids loved putting their newfound knowledge to the test and being active while doing so. We even had races to see who could do it the fastest!

We love that KOB helps kiddos reach their 5-2-1-0 goals that we talked about in our previous blog post. They have healthy snacks, are limiting screen time by being active, they are getting in their hour of physical activity and they are fueling up with water instead of sugary drinks. This is just one example of many that shows how attainable these goals are.

KOB is such a fun experience not only for the kids but also the Linfield students and SNACK interns leading the events. We had so much fun sharing something we are passionate about. KOB is something that embraces community involvement and is just downright fun!

SNACK will have another fun lesson to share with you so we hope to see you there!


Intern Orientation Experience


Keeping Your Mouth Healthy During the Sweetest Month