Thank You, Physicians Medical Center!

We're about two weeks out from Commit to be Fit: Health Around the World. This year the theme is focused on exploring the world’s healthiest and longest-living communities. Just like the last several years, there will be exhibitor booths, health screenings, and youth fitness activities. New to the fair this year is the small silent auction and free raffle! The auction will have baskets themed around blue zone qualities and participants will receive a Passport to Health Around the World where they can earn stamps for the raffle by visiting exhibitor booths to learn about health and wellness and participate in activities.

We are thrilled to be able to offer these important services to Yamhill County at no cost to attendees. In-kind support and monetary sponsorship from local partners allows us to do this.

One of our All Star Sponsors, Physicians Medial Center (PMC), plays a large role in making Commit to be Fit possible. It's also where the SNACK Program calls home! And just as they have been able to watch SNACK grow and evolve, we have been able to do the same with them.

PMC is known as a Patient-Centered Primary Care Home (PCPCH). Patient Centered Medical home is a team-based health care delivery model led by health care providers to provide comprehensive and continuous medical care to patients with a goal to obtain maximal health outcomes. Health clinics that are known as a PCPCH have a commitment to patient-centered care. Not only is PMC recognized, but they are recognized as a 5 Star Medical Home, which is the highest recognition one can receive. There are specific requirements that they must fulfill in order to maintain recognition.

"This is easy for all of us at PMC as our overarching goal is to be a dedicated patient centered partner that supports, listens, educates and respects all of our patients and family."

Not only is PMC dedicated to providing the best care for their patients, but they are also focused on giving back to the community whenever they can. To do so, they have Jean Day fundraisers. Several times throughout the year we will allow our employees to wear jeans to work when they donate $5 to our charity of choice.

"We feel like our Jean Days serve a dual purpose, they promote employee engagement and help give back to our community." 

Henderson House, Relay for Life and SNACK are just a few of the charities they raise money for throughout the year.

Just like SNACK, PMC believes that long term wellness begins at a very early age.

"Training families and children early about the significance of healthy lifestyle choices is essential to developing a healthy community long term."

The SNACK Program is so thankful to have had such a strong supporter since the beginning!

With Love,

The SNACK Program


The Summer of SNACK!


Commit to be Fit: Health Around the World