SNACK offers free one-on-one nutrition appointments to kids in Yamhill County.
Who: Yamhill County residents, ages 6-18
What: Learn about the foundations of nutrition, practice goal setting and get support making small, sustainable changes. SNACK staff with walk you through a series of 5 nutrition lessons. Each appointment we will discuss a different nutrition topic or healthy habit, set a goal, and you will earn a prize for each lesson you complete. Appointments are generally scheduled 1-2 weeks apart and last approximately 30 minutes.
Topics: - Nutrient Density & Sugar
- Food Groups
- Nutrients
- Mindful Eating
- Sleep, Screen Time & Physical Activity
Dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays*
Time: 12p-5:30p
Where: SNACK Office inside Physicians’ Medical Center*
How: Call (503) 472-6161 to schedule your enrollment appointment
Questions? Email Shannon:
* The first and third Wednesdays of the month we offer appointments at Sunrise Family Clinic from 2-7pm